Room With a View

I really wanted to share this view I had earlier of the Chicago skyline. I also played around with Snapseed (a great, really fun iphone photo editor) to edit and so there are two different versions of it. I was having some fun with double exposure in the second one.   Please comment and let…

4 Things That I Want From Etsy

I love browsing through Etsy so here are four things I found this week that I want from Etsy! I love this water color pin board map. What a great way to keep track of all of the places you been and all the places you’ll go. Get it here. No I don’t NEED another…

Hair Dye Review: Dark Intense Indigo from Garnier Nutrisse

So I came across this Dark Indigo color while browsing at Walgreens the other day and was super intrigued. I have always wanted to dye my hair a deep, dark blue color (this is partially due to this awesome purple hair I stumble across on Pinterest a few years ago). I was always apprehensive to go in…

Cross Stitch: How It Helps Me With Anxiety

I’ve always had a hard time focusing this has a lot to do with anxiety. When I go to sit down and watch a tv show or listen to music I have a hard time enjoying myself. Often times restlessness gets in my way and all I can think about are the things I should…

First Post

Is it tacky to title your first post ‘first post’? I don’t care. I am currently in a period of trying things, attempting things that generally intimidate me. This is a place for you to watch me fail or, hopefully, succeed. I’m looking to try new recipes, new hobbies, new products, new crafts, and new…